Pablo Salvaje
I was born in a town in Seville, surrounded by countryside and light, where I was always in contact with nature and where I developed my passion that is reflected in my creative work.
My book Alma Animal, one of my last works, talks about the connection between all the living beings that inhabit on earth, and I expose my concern regarding forgetting our origins that are so closeby...
Although I studied performing arts and acting, and worked as an actor in different projects, the truth is that the visual arts have been present in my life since I was a child in my family's old printing house, and since I was a child I drew, experimented, created and spent long hours working with the hands.
Traveller and born researcher, I have developed artistic projects in different parts of the world, such as Morocco, Chile, Spain ... working with children and people in underprivileged areas, knowing and learning from their strong link with nature and the creative power that it gives us.
I currently live in Barcelona, ​​where I founded La Selva Studio together with other artists, where we develop different projects as we like, wildly!
I find in Nature my sources of inspiration; In the trunks, leaves, feathers and stones that I collect, there is always a memory, a story that can only be told through my stamps.
If you want to discover more: