If you feel like playing outside, don't miss our video 03 WILD SMALL WORLDS!
To get the complete digital guide with many activities for Wild Small Worlds, visit our Wild Me Shop
Mini worlds are simply about offering children different elements to create their own play worlds by inviting symbolic play, which children do naturally.
In nature there is a great advantage and it is that nothing needs to be offered, because nature is already full of wonderful and varied loose pieces; items and materials that we can move, collect and use for the game.
Natural elements do not define play and allow to create without limits.

Observing children we realize that they often find interest in small treasures that they collect and incorporate into their play. How many times have we heard and observed that children "love sticks." A toy boat will always be a boat, but a stick can be a boat, a sword, a horse, a wand, a spoon, a forest character, and so on. The possibilities offered by these elements are endless.
Anything can be anything in the world of a child.
To get the complete digital guide, visit our Wild Me Shop
Wild Me Shop offers you an amazing ever-growing collection of ideas, activities resources, tips and links to additional resources. Whether you're a parent, carer, educator or therapist -or anyone else interested in spending more time outside with children- this is for you. Every month we will post new guides to nurture you with ideas and resources to naturalise you!